Raising children is one of the most important and exciting things we can do and, in theory, we should enjoy it. But, too often, the challenge is far greater than we ever expected.
For a start, we must often put our own wants and needs aside so that we can give our children the care and attention they require. And we do it all day, every day, for years with little respite. For most of us, this can be very exhausting. And from when they are very young, we must teach our kids to do the right thing. Too often, this is very different from what they naturally want to do!
Trying to get our children to do what we ask often ends in tears. Children insist on having things their way, refuse to cooperate with our requests or sneakily use delaying tactics. And we get irritated, stressed out and exasperated.
How can we prevent all this? And how do we raise or children to become more confident in themselves and considerate of others?
If you have arrived at this website, you have probably already heard about my book, How to Calm a Challenging Child, which aims to give parents the knowledge and skill to achieve harmony at home.
When I showed the manuscript to the parents I was working with, they came up with plenty more ideas for things I should write about, as well as some important questions. Unfortunately, I could not include all this information in the book without making it much too long. So I have set up this website, where you can read my answers to their questions, post your own questions to me, and find other useful and entertaining information. Click here to check out my newsletter/blog. Enjoy!